Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Medieval History

The Middle Ages covers an enormous period ranging from the Roman Emperor Constantine’s conversion to Christianity in 313 C.E., through the early medieval period known as the Dark Ages, to Martin Luther’s launching of the Protestant Reformation in 1517.
Battles and tournaments, feasts and festivals are all here, making up an exciting picture of the era we know as the Middle Ages.

Medieval Porridge or Frumenty

Porridge, a centuries old staple food, was originally the only way to obtain nutrition from grain, but with the arrival of bread, it...

The Medieval Manor

A medieval manor was an estate owned by a Lord of the Manor, granted to him by the monarch. The Lord of the Manor...

Life in a Peasant Household in Medieval Times

The medieval peasant is often believed to have led an idyllic existence, with a healthy country lifestyle, hearty food, and his own house and...

Medieval Church Corruption

Cycles of Medieval church corruption coincided with the growth of strong secular rulers and were only tempered by the appearance of reformist popes and...

Pope Innocent III

The time of Pope Innocent III is a struggle between secular and religious powers. Through his reign, the Roman Catholic Church came to dominate...

Reasons for the Medieval Executions of Animals

Animal trials and executions were debated even in the Middle Ages so what were the arguments behind their long public acceptance? Superstition and pragmatism exist...

Chinggis Khan and the Supernatural

Like many of history's conquerors, Chinggis Khan supplicated to the gods petitioning for favor in battle. His total authority was sanctified by direct...

Peeping Tom, Upper Crust and Other Sayings

Who hasn’t referred to the ‘real McCoy” or called someone nosy a ‘Peeping Tom’. Not surprisingly, all these saying have a historical background –...

Medieval Animal Trials

Medieval law tried bug swarms and entire classes of animals in serious church courts they failed to attend, before sentencing them to biblical...

The Cult of the Virgin Mary in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was held in high regard and her cult regarded across Europe. To the medieval...