Thursday, May 2, 2024

Chinese History

China is one of the oldest civilizations on this earth. This is, after all, the country that gave us Peking Man, who lived three-quarters of a million years ago. More realistically, the Chinese figure their civilization dates back just 5,000 years.

The Chinese base their history through the ages on dynasties, and generally consider the Xia Dynasty (2000 – 1200 BC) to be the first dynasty. The last dynasty was the Qing Dynasty which ended in 1911 when the youngster Pu Yi abdicated as the last emperor of China.

In decades past, China was considered a Third World country. No more. In the 21st century, it is emerging as a Super Power. To understand how China got to the point it is today, it is important to understand its past.

The Origin of the Wheelbarrow

The first record of a wheelbarrow was designed in A.D. 200 by a general in the Chinese Imperial Army. Chuko Liang, felt the tool...

The Empress Wu Hou – China’s Only Female Ruler

Wu Hou, China’s only female ruler, is one of the most remarkable women ever to have lived. The daughter of an official, she entered...

An Introduction to Chinese History

China is the most ethnically diverse country in the world: it has more ethnic minority people of more different types than any other...

A brief history of Ancient China

China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Its history is almost 5,000 years old. The Chinese civilization began in a major...

Gaozu: The First Emperor of the Tang Dynasty

Emperor Gaozu established the Tang Dynasty in 618 and ruled for eight years before being ousted by his ambitious second son. Gaozu (or Kao Tzu)...


The life and reign of the third emperor of the Tang Dynasty - and the consort who was to become China's only female emperor. Gaozong...

Yuan – The Mongol Dynasty, 1279-1368

The reign of the Mongols over China was disastrous for the Chinese people. They finally threw out their oppressors – how did this come...

The Five Dynasties

An introduction to the chaotic period of five dynasties and ten principalities throuh which China suffered between 907-960. Was this period really the Dark...

The Impact of the Steppe Peoples

From the Cimmerians to the Manchus, the nomadic horse riders from the Asian Steppes have swooped down on the sedentary peoples of Europe and...

The Dalai Lamas

In the fourteenth century, the concept of reincarnation began to become important in Tibetan Buddhism. In Tibet, as in other countries where Buddhism has...