Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Ancient History

Welcome to Ancient History! Here you will learn about the Ancient Classical History of the Greeks and Romans, as well as the Egyptians and other ancient civilizations that helped shape Western culture. From decisive battles to cultural and social revolutions, we’ll examine the most interesting and unique aspects of ancient times.

Egyptian Artisans Strike: First Recorded Labor Strike in History

The workmen who built the tombs of the New Kingdom Kings and Queens, were not ordinary laborers. Some, like Sennedjem, had their own tombs...

From Papyrus to Paper

Papyrus is an Egyptian water plant that has enabled man to preserve from oblivion the records of dynasties long since passed into history. The...

Cleopatra’s Children and Descendants

The Egyptian queen bore Julius Caesar an illegitimate son in 47 BC, appropriately naming him Caesarion to demonstrate his relationship to Caesar. The boy...

Cleopatra’s Family: The Ptolemies

Afro-centrists illustrate that Cleopatra - who ruled as Cleopatra VII, was black - largely basing their opinion on the fact that she was African...

Nesyamun, the Leeds Mummy: Egyptian Priest of Amun at Karnak

Nesyamun (previously known as Natsef-Amun) is an Egyptian mummy from around 1100 BC, currently held in Leeds City Museum. He arrived in the museum...

Akhenaten and Nefertiti’s Children

Pharaoh Akhenaten had six daughters by his chief wife Nefertiti, he married the elder two and the younger four died unexpectedly. Meritaten Their eldest child was...

Akhetaten, the City of Akhenaten at Amarna

In the fifth year of his reign Akhenaten, Egypt's first and only monotheistic pharoah, moved his entire court from Karnak 230 miles north to...

The Legend of Dido: How the Myth of Carthage’s Legendary Queen Evolved

Immortalised by Virgil as the spurned lover of his hero Aeneas, the original story of Dido was very different. Its alteration is symbolic of...

The First Paper: The Papyrus of Ancient Egypt

Though the manufacturing of paper has changed considerably over the years, the papyrus invented by the Egyptians was not altogether dissimilar from modern paper. With...

Amazons – Who Were the Ancient Female Warriors?

From Queen Penthesilea and Athena of the Trojan war epic, to Boadicea of the Iceniian Celts, Joan of Arc, and Britannia of Europe and,...