Wednesday, May 15, 2024

American History

American History is discovered in compelling articles that span the Colonial Era until 5 minutes ago! See Spanish, French, British, Dutch and Swiss Colonies become one nation. This fresh journey traces the nation’s birth on the Eastern Seaboard to its early 19th century childhood and political development. Follow its adolescence when the Civil War threatened her existence. See westward expansion spurred by “Manifest Destiny”. Study the 20th Century adult years when the promising young ideals of freedom were severely tested. Watch 21st Century America influence the world and see if this “greatest experiment in government” continues to be the brightest beacon of freedom. This is your safe haven to discuss social and economic issues and yes, even religion and politics!

The History of Women’s Rights – 1865 Through the Present

This article will discuss the evolution and broadening of women’s rights in the United States since the late 1800s through today. Beginning prior to...

‘Doctor, I Despair’ – The Duel and Death of Philip Hamilton

Considered the jewel of his family, the “eldest and brightest hope,” Philip Hamilton rushed to his father’s defense on November 23, 1801 to duel...

War of 1812: The Battle of North Point, September 12, 1814

During the War of 1812, Baltimore was the third largest city in the United States. Forty thousand people resided there, including eight thousand slaves....

How the Civil War Changed America

Over 600,000 men died as a result of the American Civil War, although estimates by some researchers are higher. Four years of bloody warfare...

The Progressive Era: A Whirlwind Tour

Many books have been written on this period spanning roughly 1900-1920, so this modest essay is by no means comprehensive. It does hit some...

A Celebration of the Historic Ties between Geneva and the U.S.A.

According to a new publication celebrating America’s ties to Geneva, produced by the United States diplomatic mission in that city, the first major connector...

Steamboats Revolutionized Early U.S Travel

The steamboat was introduced in 1809 to the American public. Around 1811, the steamboat was in full operation along the western rivers. The steamboat...

Capital Punishment and the Law

As far back as 1870 there was a movement to abolish capital punishment. Bills to abolish capital punishment were introduced after the Civil War...

Blackbeard, America’s Most Famous Pirate

Asking any school child about Edward Teach (1) will likely result in a blank stare, but ask about him using his pseudonym of Blackbeard...

Pacifists and Activists React to Media War Time Coverage

In the September 1966 issue of Esquire magazine, readers were able to catch a brief glimpse into the life of Tommy Rodd, an upper-middle...