Sunday, April 21, 2024

Faberge Eggs

Faberge eggs were an important Easter tradition for the Romanovs. Today, Faberge eggs are priceless masterpieces and reminders of Imperial Russia. Priceless masterpieces, opulent symbols...

The 1908 Tunguska Event

The explosion that occurred over Russia in 1908 is suspected to have been a comet or asteroid, and this impact could have also formed...

Alexander Nevsky of Russia

Alexander Nevsky is remembered as a hero for protecting medieval Russia from invaders and negotiating with the Golden Horde. Alexander Nevsky, also known as Alexander...

Boris Berezovsky’s Fall from Grace in the Year 2000

By 1999, Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky had everything a man could want. He had fancy cars, extravagant homes, the finest wines, and best of...

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia

Weak or stubborn? Whatever Tsar Nicholas II's most serious flaw, it proved fatal to the Romanov dynasty and the monarchy of the Russian...

Russia’s Position in WWI

Russia’s position in WWI was difficult. Military support for Serbia meant all-out war, failure, and social revolution. Inaction meant criticism from Pan-Slavist parties. Russia’s entry...

Felix Yusupov and the Death of Rasputin 1916

Rasputin warned that his death by members of the imperial family would lead to the end of Romanov rule, yet the plot went forward...

Russian Royal Titles

Russia was not content to call its royal leader simply “king.” “Tsar” and “emperor” more accurately described the position of the supreme ruler of...

Russian Political History

Russian History is politically complex. From its earliest emergence to the present Russian Federation, the country's long story is fascinating. Modern day Russia has emerged...

Leon Trotsky and the Kronstadt Rebellion

In 1921, during the Russian Civil War, Leon Trotsky was head of the Red Army when it crushed a sailors rebellion in Kronstadt. It...