Saturday, January 18, 2025

Was Anastasia Anna Anderson?

Anna Anderson claimed to be Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov. Supporters say she was, indeed, the last Tsar’s daughter. Others say she was a fraud. Myth,...

Felix Yusupov and the Death of Rasputin 1916

Rasputin warned that his death by members of the imperial family would lead to the end of Romanov rule, yet the plot went forward...

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia

Weak or stubborn? Whatever Tsar Nicholas II's most serious flaw, it proved fatal to the Romanov dynasty and the monarchy of the Russian...

Reasons for the Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was an inevitable result of peasant dissatisfaction, poor leadership, an unpopular monarchy, political movements, and war. Examining how separate factors...

Alexander Nevsky of Russia

Alexander Nevsky is remembered as a hero for protecting medieval Russia from invaders and negotiating with the Golden Horde. Alexander Nevsky, also known as Alexander...

Leon Trotsky and the Kronstadt Rebellion

In 1921, during the Russian Civil War, Leon Trotsky was head of the Red Army when it crushed a sailors rebellion in Kronstadt. It...

Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Alexandra Fyodorovna, the last Empress of the Russian Empire, was a caring mother and wife. However, her flaws were frowned on by citizens...

Boris Godunov – Legend and Fact

Ivan the Terrible’s successor was an elected tsar who history has charged with the murder of Tsarevich Dmitry. Was Boris Godunov one of Russia’s best...

Holodomor: The Great Famine in Soviet Ukraine, 1932-1933

Collectivization was implemented with greater vigilance and ruthlessness in Ukraine than elsewhere in the Soviet Union. It was also used as a tool to...

Russian Political History

Russian History is politically complex. From its earliest emergence to the present Russian Federation, the country's long story is fascinating. Modern day Russia has emerged...