Thursday, April 25, 2024

Almost President – Hancock the Superb

Winfield Scott Hancock was named for the famous soldier, Winfield Scott. These two men shared more than just their names. These two were the...

Al Smith – The Happy Warrior

In 1928, the Democrats nominated Al Smith of New York for President. Al Smith was the son of Irish immigrants and a self-made man....

The Great Commoner – William Jennings Bryan

William Jennings Bryan was the youngest man ever to be nominated for president by a major party. He was also the only man to...

The Bull Moose Running Mate – Hiram Johnson

Hiram Johnson, California governor for over six years and U.S. Senator from California for twenty-eight years, was a progressive reformer with enough political influence...

Barry Goldwater – A Choice, Not An Echo

Barry Goldwater is best remembered as the unfortunate individual who was buried by Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 presidential landslide. Many know him only...

The Washington Administration – Of Presidents and Precedents

One of the most important accomplishments of the Washington Administration was the establishment of a large number of precedents. Many of which our government...

The Last Revolutionary President – James Monroe

James Monroe was the last of the "Virginia Dynasty" to be elected President. He was also the last of the Revolutionary War veterans to...

Presidential Children – Teddy’s “White House Gang”

During the term of Teddy Roosevelt, watching the Roosevelt family became a national pastime. Each day, news of the First Family was eagerly consumed...

Presidential Children – The Adams Family Children

The children of John and John Quincy Adams shared several unique traits. They all showed signs of genius, but also of mental instability. The...

Presidential Children – The Lincoln Boys

The children of Abraham Lincoln remain probably the best known of all Presidential children. They lived in the White House in what might have...