Thursday, May 2, 2024

American History

American History is discovered in compelling articles that span the Colonial Era until 5 minutes ago! See Spanish, French, British, Dutch and Swiss Colonies become one nation. This fresh journey traces the nation’s birth on the Eastern Seaboard to its early 19th century childhood and political development. Follow its adolescence when the Civil War threatened her existence. See westward expansion spurred by “Manifest Destiny”. Study the 20th Century adult years when the promising young ideals of freedom were severely tested. Watch 21st Century America influence the world and see if this “greatest experiment in government” continues to be the brightest beacon of freedom. This is your safe haven to discuss social and economic issues and yes, even religion and politics!

Sequoyah’s Public Life

Despite seeking a quiet retirement among the western Cherokee, Sequoyah's popularity made him a much sought after figure. Sequoyah as Cultural Figure While the Cherokee...

Contemporary Native American Pow Wow

PowWows are enjoyable social events still celebrated today, deeply rooted in the past and to a solemn time. The word PowWow is an anglicized...

Medicine: A Gift from Plants to Man

In response to the harsh punishments inflicted upon man by the Council of Animals, plants came together and bestowed a most precious gift--medicine. Animal...

Columbus on Hispaniola, October 12, 1492 Changed the World

The shout, 'Land! Land! at 02.00hrs, October 12, 1492 by a sailor on La Pinta, altered the world forever. Europeans discovered and created...

Statue of Liberty Dedicated in New York Harbor

An American icon, Lady Liberty has long been depicted on the country's stamps and coins. She appeared on commemorative coins marking her centennial...

Impact of the Two-Thirds Rule at Democratic Party Conventions

The Two-Thirds rule, which required the Democratic Presidential nominee to lock up a supermajority of the delegates, foiled two simple majority candidacies. In 1832,...

The Judiciary Act of 1789

Our current court system has much to thank for the Judiciary Act of 1789. There are three branches of government in the United States...

Foundation of America

America was built on a foundation, rich in principles, strong on rights, to provide past and present citizens, with the perfect recipe for...

Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan Presidential Policies

A comparison of the actions taken by Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan regarding domestic and foreign affairs. Introduction American presidents lead the country...

Democrats Lose Momentum 1892 – 1896

A victorious Democratic Party in 1892 split over monetary issues, isolating President Cleveland and enabling Republican domination in the 1896 election. Following the election...