Saturday, May 4, 2024

American History

American History is discovered in compelling articles that span the Colonial Era until 5 minutes ago! See Spanish, French, British, Dutch and Swiss Colonies become one nation. This fresh journey traces the nation’s birth on the Eastern Seaboard to its early 19th century childhood and political development. Follow its adolescence when the Civil War threatened her existence. See westward expansion spurred by “Manifest Destiny”. Study the 20th Century adult years when the promising young ideals of freedom were severely tested. Watch 21st Century America influence the world and see if this “greatest experiment in government” continues to be the brightest beacon of freedom. This is your safe haven to discuss social and economic issues and yes, even religion and politics!

Battle of Little Bighorn: 35 – Scandal in the Grant Administration

The summer of 1875, Custer spent quietly with his wife, Libbie, at Fort Abraham Lincoln. Libbie Custer Surly a man with Custer’s vim and vigor must...

The Growth of Chicago into Metropolis

Chicago has had a history of fast growth and the figures from 1868 demonstrate just how quickly the city could grow. Chicago, Illinois was incorporated...

William “Buffalo Bill” Cody

Buffalo Bill was a famous scout, hunter, rights advocate, and a colorful showman who chronicled "The America Wild West" in exhibition and pageant for...

Texas Politics and New Deal Paternalism

Many of Texas' depression-era politicians were leery of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal paternalism, but the statewide need was too great not to accept...

Coverture and English Law: Legal Status of English and American Women: Prior 1900’s

The doctrine of coverture meant that the husband was responsible for the property within the marriage. The wife's property became her husband's, or he...

Billy the Kid: Truth and Myth: The Truth Behind the Old West’s Greatest Outlaw

Everyone has heard of the legendary "Billy the Kid." But how much do you really know about this American folk hero? The myth: Everyone has...

James Butler “Wild Bill” Hickok

American Legend Wild Bill Hickok was an honorable man who was a war hero, scout, gambler, and lawman who spend most of his life...

Labor Movement: American Workers in the Early Twentieth Century

Improvements in working conditions began to take shape as more and more workers joined unions. The concerns were long hours, child labor, and safety...

Splendid Little War: Also Known as the Newspaper War

The war between Cuba and Spain received major notoriety when American newspapers made it front page news. The phrase “splendid little war” is taking from...

Judicial Review & the Marbury Case

Marbury v Madison allowed the Marshall Court to give a broad definition of Judicial Review and perfect the Founding Father's vision of Constitutional checks...