Thursday, May 2, 2024

American History

American History is discovered in compelling articles that span the Colonial Era until 5 minutes ago! See Spanish, French, British, Dutch and Swiss Colonies become one nation. This fresh journey traces the nation’s birth on the Eastern Seaboard to its early 19th century childhood and political development. Follow its adolescence when the Civil War threatened her existence. See westward expansion spurred by “Manifest Destiny”. Study the 20th Century adult years when the promising young ideals of freedom were severely tested. Watch 21st Century America influence the world and see if this “greatest experiment in government” continues to be the brightest beacon of freedom. This is your safe haven to discuss social and economic issues and yes, even religion and politics!

History of James City County, Virginia

The settlement and heritage of the county has been largely overshadowed by museum restorations at Jamestown and Williamsburg, Virginia's first and second capital cities. James...

The First Transatlantic Flight

When Charles Lindbergh made the first solo, non-stop transatlantic flight, it marked a significant moment in travel history and forever changed the tourism industry. Charles...

Theodore Roosevelt: Shapes Up the Early Twentieth Century

When President William McKinley was assassinated he left behind an unfinished agenda. However, he had a maverick Vice President to take care of business. Optimistic...

Wyatt Earp: Frontier Justice – Vengeance in Tombstone Arizona

Wyatt Earp was a man of contradictions, hell-raiser, brawler, gambler, miner, saloon owner and most famously known as a lawman with a vendetta! Wyatt was...

John “Doc” Holliday – Famous Dentist and Gunfighter

Doc Holliday was diagnosed with tuberculosis early in life and was a fatalist whose intentions were to go out in a blaze of glory. John...

Credit Card History

Credit card abuse is a factor in the current credit crisis. Visa and MasterCard can be easy cash. Amidst all this chaos many ask...

Flooding the Sacandaga Made Even the Dead Move

The flood was coming with no way to stop it. The powers that be in Albany, NY, decreed there no longer would be a...

Shenandoah Valley History in Staunton, Virginia

This town on the Great Wagon Road is key to imagining the early settlers' experience. It is one of the oldest towns west of...

Civil War First Ladies

The Civil War (1861-65) is the most tumultuous period in U.S. history. The nation was divided into two sides, and each side had its...

US Government Political Party Control Analysis

The fiscal performance of the US government during the late 1700s can be characterized by the dominating sector of the elected government officials. The control...