Native American Prophesies: 2012, the End of Days


The protest will come in the form of enormous destruction on a global scale. The scary part is that it seems to be happening right now, just as predicted, and the pace of the events is accelerating.

The Seventh Generation Prophecy

The Seventh Generation prophecy exists in the oral traditions of many of the indigenous tribes of the US and Canada, including the Mohawk tribe, the Iroquois, the Lakota Sioux, the Oglala Sioux, the Hopi, Ute, Zuni, Apache and Navajo, to only name a few.

The teaching has been passed down over the generations as an oral tradition. Only in the last two hundred years have researchers interviewed the elderly shamans and recorded the prophecy. It graphically details the birth of animals with horrific birth defects; the earth ripping itself open; trees dying, flocks of dead birds falling out of the sky; and uncountable numbers of dead fish floating in the harbors.

The rivers will burn and the air will reek of the pungent death odor and noxious fumes so that humans and animals will find it hard to breathe and it will cause our eyes to burn. Monstrous storms will march across the planet leaving floods, death and destruction in their wake.


According to the Hopi, “These are the signs that great destruction is coming. the world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands — with those who possessed the first light of wisdom.”

The Cuyahoga River in Cleveland caught fire in 1969 and the flames soared as high as 50 feet into the sky. This was due to neglect by the waterfront industries that had been dumping industrial waste into the river for years.

In the spring of 1989, the earth suffered another environmental impact when an oil tanker, the Exxon Valdez, hit a reef in Prince William Sound and spilled out almost 750,000 barrels of crude oil. Then in 2010, a similar environmental disaster occurred with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It killed thousands of birds, fish and other varieties of wildlife.

Hurricane and tornado activity has also increased with larger and more dangerous storms. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina almost completely wiped out New Orleans. In 1995, Hurricane Opal roared north through Georgia, so that at one point, the eye wall was still intact west of Atlanta before the storm weakened. In March, 2008, a mammoth hurricane did an amazing amount of damage to the city itself in the downtown area.

Seismic activity has increased both in frequency and magnitude during the last half of the 20th century. Earthquakes happen from time to time and the US has had some big ones in San Francisco in 1906 and again in 1989 and at New Madrid, Missouri in 1811.

Earthquakes at sea displace large waves of water as the sea floor cracks and shifts, resulting in tsunami waves. Observers have seen damage from massive tsunamis destroying life in Southeast Asia over the past few years.

Over the course of the last century, Earth has experienced increasing volcanic activity, forest fires, and landslides. Recent volcanic eruptions in Iceland sent out clouds of dust and gases that migrated to the south east and shut down European airports for several days.

The Native American World View

Native Americans see the universe as a circle or hoop of all life, and the Mother Earth is a living organism herself. She provides for her people and, in turn, they must honor, respect, and protect her.

Everything is an interrelated part of the universe as a whole, and it is important to understand how all things are connected to each other and how things constantly change. It’s something like a domino effect. Edward Lorenz, a pioneer in the chaos theory of physics, once explained it this way: a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil could ultimately produce a tornado in Texas.

The environmental concerns of the planet are a delicate balance that has been knocked around by pollution, global warming, and other escalating ecological factors for hundreds of years. Now the Earth is sick, and the Seventh Generation Prophecy demonstrates how mankind has disregarded his planet and has infected it like a virus. In order to throw off the disease, the planet is convulsing and shuddering as if it has a fever and is vomiting.

The Ute Nation has an ancient proverb about the prophecy:

“Treat the earth well.
It was not given to you by your Parents,
It was loaned to you by your Children.
We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,
We borrow it from our Children.”

The Prophecy and 2012 Predictions

The prediction is dire but does not predict the end of days or a final doomsday. It warns us of what will continue to happen unless we develop an attitude of respect toward the Earth and change our way of life. The Native Americans have a deep respect for the Earth and desire to live in harmony with nature. We can make a positive impact on the future, but we must get on with it now.