Friday, April 26, 2024

Aztec War Resources – Recommended Books about Aztec Warfare

Recommended Aztec history books for anyone wishing to learn about Aztec war, Aztec military history and Aztec warrior and weapon types. For the Aztecs, war...

Ancient Mexico: Olmec, Maya and Quetzalcoatl: The Quetzalcoatl Legacy from the Aztec to the...

Located in Puebla Valley in Mexico, the city of Cholula was the main worship city for Quetzalcoatl in ancient Mesoamerica. Euro-American Mormons say he...

The Aztecs: The Last Great Empire of Ancient America

The Aztecs were the last empire to flourish in Central America before the arrival of Hernan Cortes and the Spanish Conquistadores. The least known and...

Community Life in Aztec Mexico: Strictly Ordered, Stringently Ruled

Aztec society was made up of hundreds of calpulli (clans), each of which existed as minor states in their own right and comprised up...

The Early History of the Aztecs in Mexico

The rich, extensive Aztec Empire of Mexico discovered and later conquered by Spain's conquistadores after 1519 had its beginnings in a tribe of social...

Day of the Dead is not Halloween

Unlike Halloween or All Saints Day, Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos, welcomes death, embraces the unknown and laughs at the...