The Life of Sojourner Truth: Ain’t I A Woman? Part 3

Sojourner Truth

A summary of Sojourner Truth’s character and contributions.

The singular character of Sojourner Truth was one of determination, religious fervor and an immovable faith. She was Isabel up until the time of her conversion experience. This personal epiphany transformed her very outlook on life and convinced her that it was her responsibility to minister to others and spread the message promulgated by John 3:16.

Isabella possessed a formidable store of knowledge regarding the treatment of slaves, ad these accounts proved to be particularly edifying to her audiences. Most of these accounts involved the piteous living conditions and circumstances of women and children bound to slavery, and served to awaken the moral revolution that would spawn works such as Uncle Toms Cabin.

It can be inferred that Isabellas decision to travel was iniated by the views she was exposed to when she stayed with the Pierson family. They forged a bond with Robert Mathews, who was somewhat of a fanatic. He expounded much upon the evil nature of women and the role they played in spreading evil throughout the world. Isabellas views on evil were derived from her direct experiences and it has been stated that she scoffed at this notion. When the community Pierson and Mathews were attempting to establish was fragmented, Isabella experienced her own personal revelation.

Isabella began to view the acquisition of property and money as a futile endeavor, and her own efforts to secure her future as a selfish endeavor. She became convinced that the precept, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. was one of the most important maxims of Christianity.She made preparations to leave and informed her landlady that she was no longer Isabella, but Sojourner, and she was going east. She affirmed that the Spirit called her and bade her go. She left the city on June 1st, 1843, just as morning broke over the horizon. She left feeling as if she were Lots wife, leaving behind a den of iniquity and afraid to look over her shoulder for fear of being turned to salt.

Her mission was to lecture as she traveled to whomever would listen, the chance passerby, the market throng, anyone who offered her refuge from the weather or a meal. She exhorted people to follow Jesus, to embrace his teachings ads their own. Her own unique scriptural interpretations, and her colorful ways of speaking, made an impression upon all that crossed her path. She was fond of saying that God had no preference as to when or where he was worshipped.

She became involved in the suffrage movement, the labor reform movement and the moral revolution sweeping the country. She was a firm believer in temperance and spoke out against the evils of drink and the violence it often resulted in. She was one of the first pillars of the civil rights movement, a courageous fighter for the inherent dignity to which we are all entitled. Her enthusiasm, devotion and strength of will are an inspiration to all of us in these trying times.