Saturday, April 13, 2024

Medieval History

The Middle Ages covers an enormous period ranging from the Roman Emperor Constantine’s conversion to Christianity in 313 C.E., through the early medieval period known as the Dark Ages, to Martin Luther’s launching of the Protestant Reformation in 1517.
Battles and tournaments, feasts and festivals are all here, making up an exciting picture of the era we know as the Middle Ages.

Strabos Garden: a Place of Beauty, Utility and Prayer

In the the early ninth century a young monk took the small boat that ferried passengers across to Reichenau Island in Lake Constance. His...

Preaching in Medieval England Book Review

Preaching in medieval England is a scholarly look at preaching in England at the end of the Middle Ages. For more than eighty years,...

The Story Behind Elizabeth’s Jewellery

In medieval times, jewels played a much bigger part in administrative duties of royals than they do now. Education was only for the rich,...

Ancient Blessings: The Forgotten Contribution of the Monks

When Rome fell it left devastated land behind it. author Martin Palmer observes that by the fifth century much of North West Europe was...

A Royal Connection

If you look around Limassol and even the entire island of Cyprus, you would be correct in assuming that there is almost no evidence...

The Real Robin Hood

The Hollywood film staring Russell Crowe as Robin Hood largely stuck to the script in its presentation of the legendary outlaw; Crowe playing the...

The Career of Arius

Known for the controversy that would carry his name and that rocked the early Church, Arius’ career was one of almost constant conflict. His...

The Invention that Changed Europe

Europe in the early Middle Ages was a place as Thomas Hobbes once said, where the lives of people were “nasty, brutish and short.”...

What’s in a Name? A Lesson from the French Kings

Most of the French Kings throughout history were awarded an epithet which emphasized a physical characteristic, a personal characteristic or an interesting accident of...