Wednesday, April 10, 2024
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Medieval History

The Middle Ages covers an enormous period ranging from the Roman Emperor Constantine’s conversion to Christianity in 313 C.E., through the early medieval period known as the Dark Ages, to Martin Luther’s launching of the Protestant Reformation in 1517.
Battles and tournaments, feasts and festivals are all here, making up an exciting picture of the era we know as the Middle Ages.

Cleanliness and Sanitation in the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages are often seen as a time when there was little knowledge about health and sanitation. But, attempts were made to keep...

Medieval England and Vikings: The Culmination of the Viking Influence on England, Part 3

The nobles were receptive to Edward's request at the time, but future circumstances worked to the detriment of English acceptance of the Norman presence....

Medieval Church Corruption

Cycles of Medieval church corruption coincided with the growth of strong secular rulers and were only tempered by the appearance of reformist popes and...

Mnemonic Devices and Memory Treatises in the Medieval Church

Moving into scholastic theology, there was an increased need for the art of memory as knowledge increased. The schemes of moral theology became more...

St. Cyril of Alexandria

Failed-monk-turned-theologian Cyril of Alexandria (c.378-444) was a special embarrassment to the Church, though his role in the Christological Controversy over the nature of Christ’s...

Treatment of Prisoners and Noble Knighthood

Knighthood went through various changes over the centuries. Courtesy was important for protecting knights from mistreatment and ensuring fairness and justice. During times of...

The Valkyries: Guides to Valhala

The concept of the Valkyrie in Norse mythology evolved over time. At first they were creepy spirits of death that hovered carrion-like over the...

Children in the Late Middle Ages

To what extent were children of the Late Middle Ages “little adults?” Was this an inevitable transition from the medieval world, or a by-product...

The Cycle of the Medieval Year: The Medieval Church Calendar

The major festivals such as Advent, Christmas and Easter were the highlights of a calendar which developed during the Middle Ages and would be...

Celibacy in the Early Middle Ages

Clerical celibacy in the Roman Catholic Church is usually traced to the 4th Century CE and was subsequently strengthened and reaffirmed by the papacy....