Bronze Age Surgery Evidence Found in Thames
You never know what you’re going to find when you fish stuff out of the Thames. The latest stunning discovery is evidence of brain...
The Plague of Justinian the Great
The Plague of Justinian the Great was a plague of Europe - bubonic and devastating, resulting in the last attempt to restore Rome to...
10 Things You Should Avoid if You Hate Nazis
A slightly humorous list of 10 contributions to civilization by history's most famous villains.
As we all know from school, from literature and from...
Blood Libel and Saint Simon of Trent 1475
The case of Simon of Trent highlights Catholic Europe's erroneous belief in blood libel that asserts the use of Christian blood in Jewish...
First World War
The pages of history are red with wars and revolutions. Regional wars, ethnic wars, civil wars and transitional wars have all contributed to major...
The Origins of Christianity in Northern Europe
Missionary activity was one of the main reasons why Christianity spreaded from out of the land of Israel into the European world. It was...
A True Miracle? Maybe Only in the Telling
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle has a curious entry for 797:
This year the Romans cut out the tongue of Pope Leo, put out his eyes, and...
Volcanoes Destroy Lanzarote: Devastation and Rebirth on a Spanish Island in the 1730s
Nature re-wrote the history of Lanzarote, in Spain's Canary Islands, off the coast of North Africa, turning it from a lush agricultural center to...
Early Arthurian Britain – Celtic Traditions: Survival and Revival
It is unknown how quickly or completely Roman influence dissipated in Britain after the occupation ended, but it appears to be gradual. Town life...
Hoarding: A Bronze Age Conundrum
The Agricultural Revolution was already a century old when the Bronze Age began. Bronze tools helped further farming efforts. Remains of agriculture implements and...