The Chinese Red Army’s Heroic Battle that Never Happened
The crossing of the Dadu River by the Red Army in 1935 during the 6,000-mile Long March was a seminal myth for Chinese communists,...
Ancient Chinese Seals, a Treasured National Art Form
The first basic Chinese seals have been dated to the Shang and Zhou dynasties, whose rulers had their identification marks etched on bronze implements....
Modesty: Chinese Idiom and Philosophy from Confucius and Lao Tzu
In the first century of Han Dynasty (206 B.C.–220 A.D.), the Chinese empire explored Central Asia and connected the east part of the Silk...
China’s Great & Crumbling Wall
The Great Wall of China was built to protect the country from northern invaders. From ancient centuries to the 1930s, millions of soldiers defended...
Events of the Chinese Civil War
Starting in earnest in 1927, the Chinese Civil War was a conflict fought between the Nationalist Party known as the Kuomintang and the Communist...
Confucius: Jokes, Quotations and History
Confucius (551B.C.–479B.C.) was a great thinker in ancient China. His philosophies gained prominence in China over other doctrines for 2,000 years from Han Dynasty...
A Look at the Chinese Navy
Historically, the Chinese naval heritage is very limited. Unlike the Japanese, whose navy won accolades for their performance in the Russo- Japanese war as...
Bruce Lee Kung Fu: Jeet Kune Do and Wing Tsun
Jeet Kune Do, also known as Jeet Kun Do or Jeet Kuen Do, is a Kung Fu system founded by martial artist and movie...
Chinese Yin Yang Philosophy: Confucius, Lao Tzu and Bruce Lee
“Happiness is to be found by misery's side. Misery lurks beneath happiness. Who knows what either will come to in the end?” said ancient...
The Art of War: Sun Tzu Created History
Sun Tzu (about 543B.C.–470B.C.) was an ancient Chinese military general, strategist and philosopher who is the author of the Art of War. He lived...