Thursday, April 18, 2024

Asian History

From Imperialist Britain’s divisive British rule to independence in India and on to the beauty of the Japanese Tea Ceremony, it is hoped these articles will inspire abiding interest in the history and culture of Asia.

Articles range, from fascinating biographical pieces through to all aspects of history of the region, the Vietnamese and Korean Wars and development of the post-war economies and infrastructures.

General Matthew B Ridgway’s Korean War

US President Truman was preparing to abandon Korea when the NKPA invaded poorly armed South Korea triggering the 3-year UN led Korean war. General Matthew...

Hitler and Indian Independance

Hitler met Bose in 1941 and he agreed to help him achieve his goal of Independence from the English rule. Adolf Hitler is an enigma....

The Battle of Chakirmaut: Genghis Khan Conquers Mongolia

Whether Genghis (or Chinggis) Khan created the world’s largest ever empire because he was destined to do so by heaven, because he was a...

Heian Period (794-1185)

Epoch of the history of Japan, dating from the establishment of the new imperial capital at Heian-kyo (modern Kyoto) in 794, ending the Nara...

General Ne Win: The Man who kept Burma back from Progress

Burma was originally a part of India for Administrative reasons, when the British Empire controlled the entire region. But later it was separated from...

The Achievement of Communism in East Asia

In recent years, it has become common to dismiss the values and achievements of communist states, even as the economic disasters that have occurred...

Vietnam Declares Independence: September 2, 1945

Vietnam lost her independence on August 25, 1883, after decades of resistance to Europeans, when the court at Hue recognized French protectorate in Tonkin...

The Hamzanama Manuscript of Emperor Akbar the Great

The manuscript of the rollicking adventure story the Hamzanama was the first major artwork to emerge from the studio of the Mughal Emperor Akbar. The...

King Sejong and the Invention of Hangul

King Sejong was the fourth king of the Yi dynasty of Korea, which was the dynasty that ruled the country from 1392-1910. He...

Arranged Marriage – Reality or Myth

Arranged marriage has been an important part of the Indian culture since time. Westerns are often amazed at the idea of getting married to...