Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Ancient History

Welcome to Ancient History! Here you will learn about the Ancient Classical History of the Greeks and Romans, as well as the Egyptians and other ancient civilizations that helped shape Western culture. From decisive battles to cultural and social revolutions, we’ll examine the most interesting and unique aspects of ancient times.

Alexander Leaves India and Returns to Persia: Alexander the Great’s Army Rejects any Further...

In 334 BC at the Hyphasis river, Alexander gave up his India ambition. His army refused to go further. Subsequently, Alexander agreed to return...

Celtic Art – La Tene

La Tene art is evidence that those known as the Celts were a highly artistic people and, contrary to contemporary literature, a great civilisation. La...

The Praetorian Guard – Bodyguards and Kingmakers

The elite force was supposed to protect the emperor and his palace, police Rome, interrogate and guard the emperor’s prisoners as well as to...

Ancient Mythology and Views of Creationism: Stories of How the Earth and Mankind Were...

According to the Holy Bible, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth; but there are other, some even older, stories to...

The Second Intermediate Period in Ancient Egypt

The period between 1675 and 1553 BC, Egypt's great glories in the past, saw decline under a succession of ineffective, as well as weak...

Witches in Ancient History: Circe and the Witch of Endor are Colorful Examples of...

Women empowered with supernatural abilities can be found in all ancient cultures, often serving a positive and a negative purpose in everyday life and...

The Real Cleopatra, the “Demented Queen”

How close to the truth are the myths told on stage, screen, and page about the extravagance of Alexandria and its seductive Greek queen,...

The Religion of the Celts

The Celts were polytheistic and their druids held the key to the tribes' historical, political, philosophical and moral culture. The Celts were not a religious...

The Heavy Armored Gladiators of Rome

The Heavy Armored gladiators have been grouped into eight categories. It should be understood that some types of gladiators were more popular than other...

Mongol People of the Middle Ages

Intelligent, Unruly, Superstitious, Prejudice.. The Medieval Mongol people prospered and endured harsh environments, in-spite of many traits considered to be uncivilized. The typical Mongol lifestyle...