Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Ancient History

Welcome to Ancient History! Here you will learn about the Ancient Classical History of the Greeks and Romans, as well as the Egyptians and other ancient civilizations that helped shape Western culture. From decisive battles to cultural and social revolutions, we’ll examine the most interesting and unique aspects of ancient times.

Who was “Good King Wenceslas?”

Every year hundreds of people sing the popular Christmas Carol "Good King Wenceslas", but was he a real person or is the carol...

Mutemwiya and the Divine Birth of Amenhotep III

Amenhotep was insecure with regards to his heritage and embellished a divine ancestry for himself and in turn venerated his mother as The Chosen...

The social structure of Ancient Egypt

There are several ways in which we can determine the social structure of ancient Egypt. This can be done by analyzing artifacts, monuments, texts,...

Berenice IV Queen of Egypt

The sister of Antony’s Cleopatra assumed control of Egypt for two years during the exile of her father Ptolemy XII but was beheaded at...

Susa – The City Between Two Rivers

The modern metropolis of Shush, in Iran, rises over the ruins of an ancient cultural center of grandeur and wealth: the great city of...

The Legendary and Enigmatic Magi

Skilled in alchemy, astrology, fortune telling and other esoteric practices, the Magi were the priestly caste of the Kingdom of the Medes. In Classical...

The Palace of Persepolis

The palace of Persepolis was planned and begun by the Persian emperor Darius I in the early fifth century BC, although it was not...

Who Were The Nephilim?

The term Nephilim has been a point of debate amongst biblical scholars. There has been a theory that they were angels cast out of...

A Brief History of Slavery with Lesson Ideas

A look at slavery in the ancient Egyptian and Roman world ending in a comparison of ancient slavery to slavery in the early...

Ancient Egypt – Beauty, Makeup and Hygiene

Women in Ancient Egypt were fixated on cleanliness, makeup, and beauty. Ancient Egyptians were known for their distinct eye makeup, oils and perfumes. Ancient...