Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Ancient Egyptian Navy

From the beginning of its history Egypt relied on ships during both times of peace and war. It is no surprise that a country built...

Egyptian Mummification – Mummification Process

Learn how to make a mummy, along with information on Egyptian canopic jars, and the Egyptian afterlife. Early Egyptians had a short life span and...

Ancient Egyptians – The Origins of Mummification

The ancient Egyptians invested huge amounts of time, expense and ingenuity in preserving the bodies of their dead. How did mummification develop? The origin of...

Cleopatra VII – The Last Queen of Egypt

Antony’s Cleopatra continues to captivate the western imagination but despite the legends she was a scheming seductress, just like her ancestors. Cleopatra, the last of...

The Creation Story in Ancient Egypt

Religion stayed remarkably constant throughout the 3,000 years from the Old kingdom through to the arrival of Christianity in the Roman period. The fervor...

An Observation of Beauty Practices Throughout History

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The cross-cultural desire for improving one's natural appearance is nothing new. The idea about what is aesthetically...

The Pharoah Akenaten, His Religion, Art and Disease

This Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty had a brief reign from 1353 - 1336 BCE. It appears that he may have suffered from Froelich's...

Mutemwiya and the Divine Birth of Amenhotep III

Amenhotep was insecure with regards to his heritage and embellished a divine ancestry for himself and in turn venerated his mother as The Chosen...

Queens of the 18th Dynasty: Yuya’s DNA and Mutemwiya’s Origins

Dr. Hawass' DNA results seem to indicate that Amenhotep and his father-in-law Yuya were related, and this could well have meant that he was...


Tutankhamun was a relatively unimportant king who ruled for ten years at the end of the 18th dynasty, after the Amarna Period. Tutankhamun's tomb lay...