Monday, April 22, 2024

The Second Intermediate Period in Ancient Egypt

The period between 1675 and 1553 BC, Egypt's great glories in the past, saw decline under a succession of ineffective, as well as weak...

Cleopatra VII – The Last Queen of Egypt

Antony’s Cleopatra continues to captivate the western imagination but despite the legends she was a scheming seductress, just like her ancestors. Cleopatra, the last of...

The Great Pyramids of Ancient Egypt – Jewish Slave Myth Examined

The innovative pyramids of ancient Egypt have stood the test of time, as their architects intended, to help usher dead pharaohs into the afterlife,...

Early Egyptian Soldiers

The army of the Middle Kingdom (2055 - 1650 BC) was an infantry force - horses had not yet been introduced to Egypt. Troop types There...

Mutemwiya and the Divine Birth of Amenhotep III

Amenhotep was insecure with regards to his heritage and embellished a divine ancestry for himself and in turn venerated his mother as The Chosen...

Ancient Egypt Makeup and Perfume Rituals

Cosmetics and perfume were essential to life in Ancient Egypt, they excelled in the realm of beauty and their rituals continue to hold our...

Bread and Beer in Ancient Egypt

Bread and beer were the staples of the Ancient Egyptian diet. This article discusses the importance of bread in the Ancient Egyptian life. Bread in...

Queens of the 18th Dynasty: Yuya’s DNA and Mutemwiya’s Origins

Dr. Hawass' DNA results seem to indicate that Amenhotep and his father-in-law Yuya were related, and this could well have meant that he was...

The Creation Story in Ancient Egypt

Religion stayed remarkably constant throughout the 3,000 years from the Old kingdom through to the arrival of Christianity in the Roman period. The fervor...

Cocaine Mummies

Traces of cocaine and nicotine found in Egyptian mummies have created speculation about contact with the New World in ancient times. In 1992 the German...