Friday, April 19, 2024

The Ancient Egyptian Navy

From the beginning of its history Egypt relied on ships during both times of peace and war. It is no surprise that a country built...

Queens of the 18th Dynasty: Yuya’s DNA and Mutemwiya’s Origins

Dr. Hawass' DNA results seem to indicate that Amenhotep and his father-in-law Yuya were related, and this could well have meant that he was...

The Creation Story in Ancient Egypt

Religion stayed remarkably constant throughout the 3,000 years from the Old kingdom through to the arrival of Christianity in the Roman period. The fervor...

The Ancient History of Sexism Begins with Hypatia’s Murder

Hypatia was born in Alexandria, Egypt, in 355. She was murdered there by a Christian mob. Her story is eloquently told in the 2009...

Cleopatra’s Family: The Ptolemies

Afro-centrists illustrate that Cleopatra - who ruled as Cleopatra VII, was black - largely basing their opinion on the fact that she was African...

Akhenaten and Nefertiti’s Children

Pharaoh Akhenaten had six daughters by his chief wife Nefertiti, he married the elder two and the younger four died unexpectedly. Meritaten Their eldest child was...

Ancient Egyptians – The Origins of Mummification

The ancient Egyptians invested huge amounts of time, expense and ingenuity in preserving the bodies of their dead. How did mummification develop? The origin of...

Mutemwiya and the Divine Birth of Amenhotep III

Amenhotep was insecure with regards to his heritage and embellished a divine ancestry for himself and in turn venerated his mother as The Chosen...

Bread and Beer in Ancient Egypt

Bread and beer were the staples of the Ancient Egyptian diet. This article discusses the importance of bread in the Ancient Egyptian life. Bread in...

From Papyrus to Paper

Papyrus is an Egyptian water plant that has enabled man to preserve from oblivion the records of dynasties long since passed into history. The...