Wednesday, February 5, 2025

US History 1929-1945

Articles at relating to Coverage of American social, cultural, and political history through stories about the people and events of this incredible era, from the crash on Wall Street in October 1929 to the celebration in Times Square in August 1945.

Royal Visit

He was 57 years-old, but the grin on his face and the boyish excitement in his heart matched that of a 7 year-old. So...

Triple Teamed

World War Two on the home front produced some strange sights: teenagers driving old jalopies on their rims because of tire rationing, children pulling...

Over and Up

In the spring of 1931, men stood on New York City street corners selling apples; other men stood on soup-kitchen lines; still other men...

Before the Crash

On Wall Street in April 1929, everybody was making fortunes - shoeshine boys, cabbies, widows with a few bucks. Hundreds of dollars in stock...

Santa’s List 1938

In the autumn of 1938, Kaufmann’s Department Store in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, decided to survey their customers to see what gifts they really wanted for...

The Year the Tax Man Did Not Cometh

At the close of 1941, Henry Morgenthau had the toughest job any treasury secretary ever faced — finance the Second World War. The United...

Home Front Headache: Rationing

“All RED and BLUE stamps in War Ration Book 4 are Worth 10 POINTS EACH. RED and BLUE TOKENS are WORTH 1 POINT EACH....

Tragic Tale of the Normandie Part 1: Smoke Across the Skyline

Admiral Adolphus Andrews, commander of the U.S. Navy’s Third Naval District, sat behind his desk at 90 Church Street in Manhattan; had he the...

Great Scot

The little black dog scampered across the deck of the USS Baltimore, barking repeatedly as he reached the galley. Some of the galley sailors...