Monday, April 22, 2024

The Stolen Election of 1876

Rutherford Birchard Hayes' victory over Samuel J. Tilden in the election of 1876 was the closest in our history. In fact, many people consider...

A Dead End Job – Madison’s Vice Presidents

Only one President had two Vice Presidents die during his time in office. James Madison served two terms as President, and both times the...

The Mysterious Death of Warren Harding

The death of President Warren Harding is one of those enduring mysteries that will probably never be solved. He died on August 2, 1923,...

Pets in the White House

In the next election, we will choose the next occupants of the White House. But we will not choose all of them. Those we...

Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion – The Election of 1884

Grover Cleveland was elected president in 1884 in one of the dirtiest election campaigns in our history. But the American voters were treated to...

Presidential Children – the Cleveland Kids

Probably no prior presidential children were watched, followed, or written about as were Grover Cleveland's. The entire nation followed the Cleveland family, and the...

The President’s Lady – Hannah Hoes Van Buren

Martin Van Buren’s wife never made it to the White House. She died eighteen years before her husband was elected President. Still, this “almost...

The Bull Moose Campaign of 1912

In 1912, the American electorate was treated to the spectacle of an incumbent (current) president, a past president, and a future president running against...

William Howard Taft, President and Chief Justice

William Howard Taft never wanted to be President. He wanted to be Chief Justice of the United States. On election night 1904, Teddy Roosevelt promised...

Election Surprises – Woodrow Wilson’s Re-Election

In 1912, Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, had been elected president in spite of the fact that more people voted against him than for him....