Friday, April 12, 2024

American History

American History is discovered in compelling articles that span the Colonial Era until 5 minutes ago! See Spanish, French, British, Dutch and Swiss Colonies become one nation. This fresh journey traces the nation’s birth on the Eastern Seaboard to its early 19th century childhood and political development. Follow its adolescence when the Civil War threatened her existence. See westward expansion spurred by “Manifest Destiny”. Study the 20th Century adult years when the promising young ideals of freedom were severely tested. Watch 21st Century America influence the world and see if this “greatest experiment in government” continues to be the brightest beacon of freedom. This is your safe haven to discuss social and economic issues and yes, even religion and politics!

The Lone Prairie

Lone? You mean, as in “Lonely?” Come and I’ll show you that the prairie is anything but lonely. No, we are not going to...

The Florida Keys: The Years Before Europeans

The Florida Keys, an archipelago of 1700 islands that covers 137.3 miles, begins at the southeastern part of the Florida peninsula, approximately fifteen miles...

Inaugural Absences

Everyone is familiar with the pomp and ceremony of a presidential inauguration. The procedures and traditions involved are well known. One of the seemingly...

The Dream that Foretold of Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination

As Easter approached in April, 1865, Abraham Lincoln had much to feel good about. America’s bloody Civil War was finally coming to an end...

The Dragon Lady Conquers America, Part 1

Cornell Newton Shelton, known as C.N., stood freezing in the pre-dawn darkness of Chengtu, China. Shelton, an American bush pilot, preferred jockeying planes around...

The Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh: An Indian Commune in Oregon

This self-proclaimed prophet came to the U.S. from India and formed a colony he called Rajneeshpuram in the central Oregon desert near the town...

Rum Romanism and Rebellion

In a hotly contested, close presidential election, James Blaine lost the crucial swing state of New York due to three words used days before...

Housing Practices in the 1950s

The economic climate in the postwar period was conducive to helping people realize the dream of homeownership. During World War II the unemployment rate sharply...

National Historic Landmarks Post World War II

Project 66 reinstated the National Survey of Historic Sites and Places, and established National Historic Sites and the National Register of Historic Places. Until World...

Supreme Court Protects Big Business in the Gilded Age

With the start of the Hayes administration and the ending of Reconstruction in 1877, profound changes were transforming America from a predominantly rural society...