Friday, April 12, 2024

Ancient History

Welcome to Ancient History! Here you will learn about the Ancient Classical History of the Greeks and Romans, as well as the Egyptians and other ancient civilizations that helped shape Western culture. From decisive battles to cultural and social revolutions, we’ll examine the most interesting and unique aspects of ancient times.

Ancient Near East Trade Patterns

Trade and commerce increased as ancient civilizations achieved a dominant, imperial status within the Near East and developed common standards of exchange. The emergence of...

Cypriote Ships – Archaic Shipbuilding Techniques

Archaic vessels give a strong impression of the skill of Cypriote boat builders for a variety of purposes – fishing, coastal transport and transporting...

Ancient Egypt and the Hyksos Invasion

The Nile River ensured Egyptian prosperity yet isolated the civilization from outside invasion as did other natural barriers until the invasion of the Hyksos. Egypt...

The Ancient Egyptian Navy

From the beginning of its history Egypt relied on ships during both times of peace and war. It is no surprise that a country built...

The Amarna Letters

How this collection of clay tablets containing the diplomatic records of the last Pharaoh’s of Egypt’s 18th Dynasty came to shape histories image of...

Enigmatic Welsh Mandan AmerIndian Tribe

According to legend, Welsh Prince Madoc found America before Columbus did. His people lived with the Mandan tribe, whose language is a Welsh dialect. Prince...

Egyptian Mummification – Mummification Process

Learn how to make a mummy, along with information on Egyptian canopic jars, and the Egyptian afterlife. Early Egyptians had a short life span and...

Who Are The Semites?

For over five thousand years people we now refer to historically as Semites moved across the ancient Near East. Their legacy is still unfolding...

History and Development of Accounting

In some ways accounting is a process used for centuries. Luca Pacioli is often named when referring to the history and development of accounting. Although...


Thought to be a symbol of early Christianity, the SATOR/ROTAS Square appears all over the Roman Empire with no clear meaning. The Rotas square, as...