For almost two centuries, the image of Uncle Sam has been intimately associated with American Patriotism. But where did this symbol come from?
In studying the past, one learns quickly that history can be a very harsh mistress.
The fact of the matter is that one can never be entirely sure about historical occurrences; though to many, this challenge is half the fun of the subject. There will always be mysteries to be solved and clarifications to be made. No history, not even that which was occurred only recently, is entirely free from contortion by personal bias or simple ignorance.
So when one explores historical matters, it’s good to keep that in mind. There are certain things that just aren’t known and one must do the best they can.
Origins of a Symbol
Take, for example, that great American icon, Uncle Sam. Who really knows where this glorified figure, in his colorful, patriotic clothes with his finger pointed accusingly forward, urging each of us to get involved in aiding our country through difficult times, really came from? Surely, no one does, because it is simply not known for sure (nor, it appears, will it ever, barring a miracle). There are, however, some very good guesses, at least one of which is probably correct.
Perhaps the most intriguing story of Uncle Sam’s origin is the case of Mr. Samuel Wilson, a prominent meat-packer in Troy, New York during the first decades of the nineteenth century, a time when America was still in its infancy as a nation. During the rather anti-climactic War of 1812, Mr. Wilson was kind enough to try and help the troops fighting the British as best he could by sending them crates of meat, which he stamped U.S. (which presumably stood for United States, but, again, it is not entirely certain). The soldiers themselves, familiar with Sam Wilson’s operation, perhaps jokingly, claimed the U.S. to stand for “Uncle Sam.”
Exactly who came up with this has never been made clear, but nevertheless, it is said that from this point on, Uncle Sam (a man who did, in fact, bare a rather striking resemblance to that familiar image of the old, pointing gentleman, minus the fancy hat and patriotic flare) became a symbol of everyday Americans choosing to help their country in times of need. It is a wonderful story, whether or not it’s true.
Actually, according to an official act of congress in 1961, it is the Samuel Wilson story which is the “official” explanation of the Uncle Sam legend. The issue wasn’t exactly put to rest, though.
Alternately, and not without reason, there are some who believe that the Uncle Sam legend began with Irish Immigrants coming to the United States, who called the country SAM as an acronym for the Gaelic version of the name – Stait Aontaithe Mheiricea. It may be a bit more far-fetched than the story of Samuel Wilson, but who knows? It very well could turn out to be true.
Then there is the third – the simplest, and some would say most reasonable of all, explanation. Perhaps Uncle Sam was just some jokester’s explanation of the common abbreviation U.S. After all, American’s come up with some crazy names for plenty of things, the odds are pretty good that at some point in the early parts of American history (the name was first seen in print in 1842), some wise guy saw the initials U.S. and came up with the name Uncle Sam right there off the top of his head, not realizing just what kind of legacy his little joke would have.
Or perhaps there is even a fourth option – that being that none of the above is true.
Sam Lives On
To be perfectly honest, it doesn’t appear that one can ever really know for sure. Americans just have to go on living their lives, not knowing where the image of their country’s most recognizable citizen came from. But this shouldn’t really change anything, should it?
Uncle Sam today is merely a symbol (well, technically speaking it would be considered a National Anthromorphism). A symbol that should remind everyone to do whatever they can to support what is right in this world, because this is what sets us apart from the animals – the ability to know and to do what is right, no matter what the cost. His pointing is not accusatory. It is a challenge.