The Fourth of July’s History, Fun Facts, and Firework Figures

Fourth of July

Celebrations across the United States are to honor America. Many choose to celebrate at parades and community events with fireworks and friends.

In 1776, the men and women of the 13 colonies struggled constantly with British Rule. The “colonists had no say in the decisions of English Parliament” and were sick and tired of having no say in their lives. Taxation was out of control. This led to several meetings of the Continental Congress where they finally decided that efforts at resolving things with the British were futile. Finally, in June 1776 Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, as well as many others composed the Declaration of Independence. In July of 1776 Congress voted in favor of the Declaration of Independence stating that the 13 colonies were now free from British rule.

4th of July Celebrations

The first Fourth of July celebration took place in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776. To gather the people for a reading of the Declaration of Independence the Liberty Bell was sounded from Independence Hall. Independence Day celebrations today are not much different from the original Fourth of July proceedings. Instead of fireworks they used bonfires and instead of parades with floats and candy political men would give speeches for upcoming elections. The people would ring bells and march in the streets. In 1804 the first public Fourth of July event was held at the White House. Thomas Jefferson passed away in 1826 on July fourth forever linking him to his finest achievement.

4th of July Fun Facts

In 1941, Congress declared the 4th of July a federal legal holiday. According to the U.S. Census, “In July 1776, the estimated number of people living in the newly independent nation was 2.5 million.” The “nation’s estimated population on this July Fourth (2010) is 309.6 million.” With the growing popularity of the fireworks to celebrate Independence Day the Census states, “The value of fireworks imported from China in 2009, representing the bulk of all U.S. fireworks imported is $209 million.” The U.S. exporting of fireworks falls way short at just “$42.9 million in 2009.” Firework laws vary by state so be sure to check to make sure not to break any laws with the State Fire Marshall. In Texas most cities prohibit any fireworks in the city limits.

The Declaration of Independence

All across America people choose to celebrate Independence Day differently. For some the parades and community celebrations are key and for others staying home and having a family barbecue is the most important. No matter how people choose to celebrate one thing remains constant and that is the love for America. The word ‘patriotism’ comes from the Latin patria, which means ‘homeland’ or fatherland.’ Every year the number of Americans grows and with that growth comes pride for those men who fought and won their freedom. The Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”