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Pioneers of the Sky – Amy Johnson and Charles Lindbergh

An American aircraft designer, Glen Curtiss, had already built a machine to attempt the first trans-atlantic flight, when the outbreak of World War One...

The Lindberghs’ Summer Excursion Part 1

By 1931 Charles Lindbergh had acquired the aura of the world’s greatest aviator and hero. He had also acquired a young wife, and one...

The Lindberghs’ Summer Excursion Part 2

Charles Lindbergh flew the seaplane Sirius through the Arctic fog, while Anne Lindbergh sat behind him with her head down listening on her earphones...

The Birth of Airmail: On May 15th 1918 the Army Air Corps Began Carrying...

The Army had been detailed to help the Post Office with an experimental project to inaugurate airmail in America. This was the first regular...

Amelia Earhart’s Hero: Harriet Quimby – America’s First Licensed Woman Pilot

Do heroes need heroes? Here's how Amelia Earhart, the most famous aviator of the 1920's and 1930's followed in the footsteps of the most...

The First Transatlantic Flight

When Charles Lindbergh made the first solo, non-stop transatlantic flight, it marked a significant moment in travel history and forever changed the tourism industry. Charles...

History of the Radio – New Communications Technology in the 1920s

Early radio only reached a local audience. As technology improved, the entire nation could listen to the same radio program at the same time. KDKA...

Amelia Earhart Biography

Amelia Earhart as more than just a celebrated woman aviator. She was also a traliblazing feminist, and an independent minded spirit who campaigned for...

Tucson, Arizona’s Place in Aviation History

On December 17, 1903 at 10:35 a.m., the Wright Brothers made their historic 12-second motorized flight near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Surprisingly, it was only...