Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Cursing Of Akkad

The Akkadians had conquered much of the Ancient Near East under the leadership of Sargon the Great ca 2300 BCE. The empire continued to...

The Conquests of Sargon the Great

There is no record of the birth name of Sargon and what is known of his origins are little more than legends. What is...

King Herod’s Buildings put into Biblical and Historical Context

Herod owes his rise to 'king' to his ability to realise the true nature of the political scenarios which were being played out at...

Akitu – The Babylonian New Year Festival

The calendar of the ancient Near East was usually replete with festivals that honored the gods according to the season. One of the most...

Insights into Ancient Babylonian Astronomy

Some twenty-five hundred years ago, the Ancient Babylonians constructed mud brick towers that rose up towards the night sky. The towers known as Ziggurats,...

Who Were The Nephilim?

The term Nephilim has been a point of debate amongst biblical scholars. There has been a theory that they were angels cast out of...

El and the Elohim

Much has been made of the fact that the common Hebrew word for God in the Book of Genesis, Elohim, translates to gods in...

Jerusalem – its growth from 1000 BCE to 70CE

Judges 1:8.21 tells us of the Israelites attempt to take Jerusalem from the Jebusites. They did not succeed and it wasn't until David's time...

How Geography Shaped Ancient Mesopotamia

During the Neolithic period approximately 12,000 years ago, migrants began to establish permanent communities in the region of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. This...

Bit Adini, the House of Eden

The eleventh century BCE was a time of political upheaval in the Ancient Near East. The Hittite Empire had collapsed and the Egyptians, Assyrians...